While trying to work through the daily minefield of teenage life, Mark is suddenly blindsided by a series of rapid-fire adventures. If a Grade 11 kid pulls it all off and keeps his bizarre superhero identity hidden...could this allow China to control our future?
BeyondCONDEMNATION is in place to give glory back to our Creator, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As with the very good news He shared intimately here with a Jewish leader named Nicodemus in John 3:17-21; through His sacrifice we have an escape route beyond an otherwise certain, everlasting condemnation.
Our BeyondCONDEMNATION logo signifies the eternal hinge point when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for our sins. As explained by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18; the ten commandments until then felt like a condemning weight which required atonement. This burden was lifted by Jesus the Son of God, who graciously replaced legalism with hope and freedom.
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